About me
My name is René Duursma, I live in Groningen and work at the Groninger Archieven, our regional archive.
I am coördinating the Beeld en Geluid (Film, Photo, Audio) department.
Kinetophone is a band that makes new music to silent films: Since 2010 Kinetophone is Sebastiaan Wiering, Thomas van den Berg and me. We make music that enhances the experience of watching a silent classic. We make music for short films and documentaries (podcast, TV, film). Contact us for an original film score.
I talk about film a lot. At filmfestivals, cinema theatres, at the Filmclub in Groningen.
Once in a while I make a film, or video installation. I hope that my next film will première in september 2023.
Photo header by Lucas Kemper
Photo René by Thomas van den Berg